Dr. Lakra: Sex and Violence in SoHo

Dr. Lakra(born Jerónimo López) is a Mexican born artist who works in various media such as tattoo , wall painting and traditional canvases. The origin of his name is itself an exercise in creativity. The “Dr.” comes from his habit of carrying a medical bag at the start of his tattooing career. “Lakra” is derived from the Spanish “lacra”, which means “scar”. He was born and nurtured in artistic environment. His father, Francisco Toledo , is one

Tattoo Artist Stefano Alcantara

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have certainly heard of Paul Booth’s Last Rite’s Tattoo Theater , which has a reputation for housing some of the world’s top tier tattoo artists . Stefano Alcantara is a prime example of one of their premier artists, best known for his amazing photo realism. He has the unparalleled ability to utilize intense shading and vivid colors to make his tattoos look like actual three dimensional photographs on the skin. A true artist, with a

The Photographic Art of l’un des nombreux

NYBodyArt may be a New York-based publication largely featuring New York subjects, artists, and their oeuvre, but our content is also inspired from across the US. In fact, we take such pride in our domain that we are occasionally reluctant to cover a particular subject or person, simply because we feel our audience would appreciate the local content. That said, it takes a particularly outstanding individual or action to impel our attentions internationally.

Tattoo Artist Betty Rose

The world can mourn the loss of a snowboarding instructor whilst rejoicing at its gain of an awesome tattooer. We’re glad Betty found her true calling as a tattoo artist . As a tattoo collector, you might browse through artist flash looking for a style of tattoo that seems to be the given artist’s forte, but we think Betty takes pride in confusing us by subscribing to no identifiable genre. Discovering her talents in her

João Paulo Rodrigues on Travel, Tattoos and Influences

NY Body Art recently had the pleasure of talking with the uber-talented, João Paulo Rodrigues. From Rio de Janeiro and currently rocking New York’s tattoo scene with his amazing work, Brooklynite Rodrigues’ talent has had us buzzing for a while. You always know when you’re looking at a João Paulo Rodrigues piece. His work is consistently amazingly detailed, vibrant and flows beautifully on his subjects’ bodies. Regularly on tour, sharing his