Beauty, Brains & Tattoos: NY Body Art Talks with Hattie Watson

“She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful”

That’s the Neil Gaiman quote that seems to follow super hot alt-model Hattie Watson everywhere she goes. We can’t help but agree. NY Body Art was lucky enough to catch up with the fiery beauty to talk about tattoos, comics, and what she looks for in a tattoo artist! Check out what this smart and charming stunner had to tell us.

How many tattoos do you currently have?
9 at the moment

Do you find that your tattoos have helped or hindered your career?
I think it’s done a little bit of both, but it’s who I am and what I love and you either like it or don’t. I don’t think I should be hindered… solely based on the fact that I have tattoos. I think more and more people are becoming more open to the idea.

Are you planning to get anymore? If so, what? where?
Yes, of course. I will one day have both arms done and maybe a thigh piece.

When going in for a new piece, what do you look for in an artist? How do you choose where to get your tattoo?
I look for an artist who has the particular style I am going for and who is also excited about the idea I have for a tattoo. I feel like if they don’t enjoy doing the tattoo then their work might not be the best it could be as if it was something they did enjoy.

I notice your site has a Neil Gaiman quote. Are you a big comic reader?
I do love comic books. I haven’t really had time to read or collect anymore. Sad thing actually.

What’s your favorite?
Of course my favorite is Tank Girl. It’s quite obvious. Funny…I was never crazy about the story itself….just was always really into the artwork and the idea behind the illustrations. I also really enjoy the Crossed comics. I suggest those to any and everyone if you like something a little demented. 😉

Want to know more about Hattie Watson and her upcoming projects?  Check out her Tumblr.  Also, stayed tuned with us here at New York Body Art for more great interviews with movers and shakers who are taking the art of tattooing to the next level.  Both behind and under the needle.

About Lucette

Lucette is a longtime tattoo enthusiast who builds communities on the web as her 9-5. She is one of the people behind the launch of NYBA and in addition to helping here, she's currently working her ultimate plan to become an old surfing midwife.

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