Pinup Provocateur Viva Van Story

If you don’t know Viva Van Story , I’m afraid that you’ve been missing out. Get to know the outrageously talented pinup photographer from New Jersey, renowned for her work across the world, especially New York and New Jersey, as she recently took some time out to answer some questions from us. Funny enough, as I met Viva Van Story her enthusiasm for this interview had me wondering just what type of interview we’d be in

Bridget Blonde by Simon Gentry

Simon Gentry is a fashion photographer originally from Britain, now based in New York. His vivid style has seen him travel the world and even grace this very site in a shoot that featured Hattie Watson, who we were lucky enough to interview . The work we’ve selected today features the alternative model Bridget Blonde . To see some more of Simon Gentry’s portfolio, check out his website here.

Renowned Portrait Photographer Vincent Skeltis

Working primarily as a photographer living in Williamsburg, Vincent Skeltis‘s photographic pieces have been featured in numerous publications. His work extends beyond photography, and he includes both writing and canvas art in his creative toolbox. He has collaborated with artists of international notoriety including Beyonce, Jay-Z, Eva Mendes, and Heidi Klum. Most of Vincent’s photographic work and overwhelming expertise lends itself to images shot in a portrait style. His commercial success speaks for

3 Questions with Photographer Chris Loren Ewers

One of the markers of great art is its ability to amplify and elevate one’s already profound appreciation of and attention to something. It’s this marker that struck us when we came across Chris Ewers‘s beautiful photographs. His striking images of tattooed subjects elevated our already deep, and rather apparent considering the topic of this blog, love of tattoo art. A photography industry veteran, Ewers has recently been making his mark independently and even

Beauty, Brains & Tattoos: NY Body Art Talks with Hattie Watson

NY Body Art was lucky enough to catch up with fiery beauty, Hattie Watson, to talk about tattoos, comics, and what she looks for in a tattoo artist! Check out what this smart and charming stunner had to tell us.